Friday, July 22, 2011
Powerzone Sports Camp
The office is beginning to look like a training room, and the fellowship hall is being transformed into a gym! Powerzone is gearing up and the Sports Camp begins on Monday! Pray for good weather, lots of kids, fun, and hearts to hear the message and be reborn!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
VBS Needs
Hope you are remembering to pray for VBS! If you feel so led, here are some needed items for our POWERZONE Sports Camp:
-Soccer Nets and Balls
-Badminton Sets
-8 cases of bottled water
-Hot dogs and buns enough to feed 100
-Croquet Set
-Soccer Nets and Balls
-Badminton Sets
-8 cases of bottled water
-Hot dogs and buns enough to feed 100
-Croquet Set
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Money: Never Enough
This morning at breakfast, I was listening to the news. To be more precise, listening to President Obama speak on the nation’s financial situation. It was sort of a broken record: the plan to increase taxes on those who can afford it so that there is no increase for those who cannot. Also a cut in benefits for the wealthy so there will be no reduction for benefits for the poor. Of course, it was mentioned that the Republicans are opposed to the idea that will repair the nation’s woes and they were sufficiently chastised to being naysayers. I said it was “a broken record”, because we’ve heard it all before, from multiple presidents, just change the names and political parties as needed. Basically, I heard the President say the same thing we say in our homes, “There is too much month left at the end of the money.”
Paychecks do not seem to last as long as they used to. It seems as each month goes by, there are more days than there are dollars. The belt squeezes tighter and tighter until it seems impossible to breathe. Ben Franklin said, “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Laurence J. Peter modernized the quote saying, "Early to bed and early to rise—’til you get enough money to do otherwise." All humor aside, the rising cost of all the essentials—including groceries, fuel and other similar items—are stretching budgets to their limits. It can be scary to find that at the end of the money there is still some month left.
As we are looking at the Church’s budget for this year, we have faced the long month, short money problem several times, five of six to be exact. In 2010 at the end of June the offerings totaled $75,653. The 2011 budget calls for $75,354. The actual income so far in 2011 is $67,806. The result of this is—just like the government and just like home—spending cuts. The easiest thing to cut is any extra spending. It may look like everything that can be done has been done, but we can always punch another hole in the belt; it is time to dig a little deeper or make some changes.
At the Congregational Meeting the end of June, we approved a budget change: a reduction of $9318. Let me explain where this money comes from: During our building project, we took out two loans of $150,000 each. Because they were taken out at different times, they had different payments. When we reached the end of 2010 the payment for loan #1 was $786 and the payment for loan #2 was $1009. At the end of 2010 we sold the 5 acres on Airport Way paying off the first loan and applying around $10,000 on the second loan. Since we had managed both payments in 2010, we planned to continue making both payments in 2011, which would have made a huge reduction on the principal owed. However, the 2011 income for the first six months is $7,847 lower than 2010. Factor in the rising costs and the belt had to be tightened. So for the foreseeable future we will be making the minimum payment on the loan and the only additional funds will be offerings designated to the Building Fund.
I create the Church’s budget each year. The various drafts are reviewed by the Treasurer, the Elders and the Church Council before going to the Congregation for approval. In 2006 the budget was $108,998; in 2007 $114,744; in 2008 $148,359; in 2009 $152,380; in 2010 $150,805; and in 2011 $150,705 and we lowered it to $141,387 last Sunday. At the current time, my projection for income for 2011 is $139,884. If we have the same reduction of income in the second half of 2011 as we did in 2010, our income will be $132,037, which is slightly below our 2008 income and $15,694 less than last year’s. 2008 is the year we began paying back the loans. Not meaning to make this too complicated, but if we back out the loan payments, the budget would be $119,955, which is a $5211 or 4.5% increase over the last 5 years.
I am usually reluctant to speak on finances, because the topic seems to generate friction with some folks (“All they ever talk about in church is money!” As opposed to politics, sports, civic organizations, fire depts. and schools, which never ask for money, oops, I regressed to sarcasm.). Nonetheless, it is my responsibility to keep you abreast of the facts and that’s what this article is about. Rest assured the necessary cuts will be made in order to balance the year-end numbers. God will see us through as He always has. He just uses me to inform you of our situation.
What can you do? The easy answer is to say, give more. The biblical answer rests in a statement I made to you on my first Sunday here 11 years ago. When I asked you to give to the Church the same amount God asked you to give, 10% and “I’ll never ask you for a penny more, or a penny less” beyond that, plus or minus, is between you and the Lord. Please just give as God leads you.
-Pastor David
V B S Prayer Requests
1. The Lord’s will to be done concerning VBS
2. Staff: teachers, and helpers-strength, health, commitment, preparation time, love for the children
3. Weather to be conducive for a sports camp theme
4. Children to come with open hearts and minds to learn about Jesus and grow in His love
5. Colleen to have discernment concerning the schedule
Vacation Bible School Volunteers Needed!
Still looking for some teaching staff and some class aides. We need help in the kitchen with registration and crafts. We are short one teacher and assistant. People to be here on site just to help would be great too. If God is speaking to your heart about any of these areas, please give me a call. Could we borrow your soccer and playground balls please! Also any practice nets if you have them? Thanks a bunch! -Colleen
Only Around for a Little While
She walked haltingly from her car, a bright redheaded 10-year-old boy in tow. He was not happy and she was not giving up. With a determined look on her face, she announced she had brought him to camp. Asking where registration was she headed off with her young relative. Before she took three steps, she whirled around and asked if the camp nurse had arrived, as she would need to speak to her first. Sheesh!
Somehow I just knew this young guy would be one of my campers. I was right. They returned shortly to where I was stationed receiving my group of ten little boys for the week. It was a camp that included troubled children. Since I was the oldest, and they were short of male counselors and I had experience, they would give me this group.
Eddie (I will call him) returned to my group of already wiggling anxious boys just waiting to be turned loose into the wilderness of the Cascade Mountains where they would divide and conquer and become “Daniel Boones” for the next week of Christian camp. Some showed up with one change of clothes, others with the bare minimum, and most without toothbrushes, etc. Pretty much anything to do with personal hygiene was left at home by this staunch group of young adventurers. We were to sleep in a Teepee for the week! Who needed to brush???
I was in the process of explaining the rules...when the swearing, swaggering Eddie joined us. Grandma, as it turned out to be, was not too impressed with the camp because, first of all the nurse had not shown up yet! Good grief! Didn’t we know that some of these kids were on medication (actually we did) (Our nurse was a volunteer who did finally show up the second day of camp!!! Yeah!!!) Fortunately, none of the staff had been hogtied by the campers who needed medication to combat their rowdiness.
Grandma explained, in the presence of all, that junior had been dumped on her for the summer as his parents had gone off on yet again another extended vacation, just to get a break from him! I saw the pain seep across his face, and shame entered into his eyes, then a desperate sort of sadness which he tried to mask with a few choice swear words just to prove he was as bad as his grandma said. Even my group of hardy delinquents were struck dumb at the words that branded him “Real Trouble” as she put it. But not to worry, she added, as long as he’s on medication he’s manageable.
Great! What she didn’t know was that there were several with his same disability already in the group and her little Eddie had his work cut out to stand out amongst them. Yay, and they were mine, all mine, for one week, how was I going to share the Lord with this group of characters in a way which would effectively reach their young hurting hearts for Christ.
Grandma made her swift exit saying he hasn’t made it through a camp for a week anywhere and I have left my contact number so you can get a hold of me. She hopped into her car and made a speedy exit down the rough gravel mountain road as if we would change our mind. Fortunately, God was in charge and not me. Little did I know what was in store for the week, or I may have jumped in the car beside her and begged to make my exit there and then.
Showing the group around the camp explaining the rules about 5 times before the bulk of them heard me, I finally felt safe to now share the very important safety announcement that a mother bear and her cub had been seen wandering the grounds the previous week. All campers were to stay in plain view of their counselors at all times. I asked did they understand the seriousness of this and with round eyed awe they said they did. I explained I had to go to a short meeting and left my group in the care of another counselor. I would be right back and they could get their bed rolls laid out in the Teepee.
Within 5 minutes the one of the campers came to get me, telling me Eddie had climbed onto the roof of one of the buildings. He had a frog up there, he’d taken from someone else and was pulling its legs off and throwing them at the other campers and no one could get him down. Hurting animals hit a very sore spot for me and I kind of like frogs. That’s when I really started praying for Eddie.
When I got him down he asked me, “Are you going to call my Grandma?” Hmmm, seems like this was a tool that had worked well for him before. “Nope, your one of my little blessings and you and I are going to have fun!” He looked at me like I was nuts, and whatever activity we were doing he kept an eye on me to see my reactions to his behavior. Finally, it was bedtime and all my campers finally settled down to a sound sleep.
Bright and early the next morning before the campers woke, a meeting was scheduled for all the counselors. I returned about 7 o’clock as I entered the teepee my campers “mooned” me! Of course, Eddie was the instigator. Figuring they all had a part in it they were not allowed to do the first activity and were last for breakfast.
The week continued—Eddie in the water when he was not supposed to be—Eddie taking someone else’s turn—Eddie hitting—Eddie stealing—and the list went on and on.
We went on a long hike in the mountains where we were to filter drinking water. We were 2 & 1/2 miles into this high mountain lake filtering water when we looked up to see a forest fire had started at the other end of the lake! We rounded up all the campers as quickly as we could and heading them back down the trail—that’s when I discovered Eddie had another medical condition—asthma—and he couldn’t run very long without trouble and there was the smoke. They took the others ahead and I stayed with him and walked or ran beside him until we were back to our van.
You would think that would do it for him…
The next morning I came back from the counselor’s meeting , opened the flap of the teepee and just as I did, a huge jackrabbit appeared out of nowhere. The rabbit ran past me and started making laps on top of all those sleeping campers!
The kids woke to this marauder making a racetrack out of their sleeping bags. Thinking he was a bear or at least a cub—they were screaming—I was laughing! I finally chased the rabbit out for them, telling them that’s how God rescues us. Just in case you are wondering, God has a sense of humor. He reaches us all with the tools that will touch our hearts, even 10-year-old boys. Campfire time that night was a whole lot quieter and the time for commitment was well attended.
Through the week Eddie had not made many friends. He repeatedly caused his group to be last with his ill behavior. The other boys did not make his life easier. Not that they were well behaved, far from it.
The event for Thursday was “Mountain Biking.” It seemed Eddie could just barely ride a bike. Up the hills, they tried to go. These were real trails and had many obstacles. Finally , everyone completed what they could, then they were free to ride down the mountain road. Eddie with his feathers a little rumpled decided he would go down as fast as he could to impress everyone, even though he was told not to. He zoomed by me gaining speed every inch, kids and counselors alike yelling at him to slow down.
He did slow down, actually came to a sudden stop at the end of his fall as his bike hit a bump and up over the handlebars he flew! Doing a handstand as his feet flew high in the air, white-faced as a scream of terror escaped his lips. Then the bike landed on top of that human torpedo. It jarred him from his unplanned slumber.
He was carried by van some 50 plus miles away to the Wenatchee hospital where they stitched him back together. Unable to reach his grandma the doctors declaring him fit to return to camp and the little trooper was returned to me.
Battered bruised and with a whole new attitude and a slight concussion. The boys were sorry who had taunted him. He was sorry he had listened to them.
Friday morning came with me waking up with the flu—lovely just lovely—could the week get better with a fever of 103? They sent me home. It was actually hard to leave my little group of misfits and Eddie in particular.
I made it about 40 miles before I had to pull over to sleep—I had to miss the last day of camp. I wouldn’t get to be there and see them off with their treasures and trophies. Rats….
A few weeks later my pastor called me to his office, he had tears in his eyes, and he handed me a letter that had been given to him to give to me. He knew how tough it had been. He had also received a phone call. The call was from the boy’s grandma who had tried to get hold of me just to say thanks. The letter was from, alias intact, Eddie.
“Thank you for not giving
up on me, thank you for
staying with me in the fire,
thank you for being my friend
when the other kids wouldn’t,
thank you for giving me the
best week of my life and thank
you for telling me how much
God loves me and telling me
about Jesus,
your friend, Eddie.”
But it was me who should have done the thanking, he taught me so much. He taught me how it hurts to be on the outside of everything. Outside of a good reputation—outside a natural welcome from his won family. How hard it was for someone who had always failed to succeed. Mostly just be present with them when they are doing their best to be unlovable. It was only four days and what Eddied didn’t know spending time with him was like spending time with myself as a child. God reached Eddie and he reached me, one day, one event, one situation at a time.
Each of us has opportunities most only last for a short time. When we miss them, they are gone, along with the blessings.
-by Colleen
-by Colleen
Duty Roster
7/3: Nursery-Kim, Children's Church-Jim, Greeters-Gordons, Cleaners-Gordons
7/10: Nursery-Mary, Children's Church-Dave E. & Yvonne, Greeters-LeRoy & Maury, Cleaners-Conklins
7/17: Nursery-Melissa, Children's Church-Sue, Greeters-Jamisons, Cleaners-Hays
7/24: Nursery-Crystal, Children's Church-Colleen, Greeters-Nobles, Cleaners-VanCamps
7/31: Nursery-Kim, Children's Church-Jim, Greeters-Eddies, Cleaners-Wilcox & Jamison
7/10: Nursery-Mary, Children's Church-Dave E. & Yvonne, Greeters-LeRoy & Maury, Cleaners-Conklins
7/17: Nursery-Melissa, Children's Church-Sue, Greeters-Jamisons, Cleaners-Hays
7/24: Nursery-Crystal, Children's Church-Colleen, Greeters-Nobles, Cleaners-VanCamps
7/31: Nursery-Kim, Children's Church-Jim, Greeters-Eddies, Cleaners-Wilcox & Jamison
Special Event
Vacation Bible School:
July 25-28, 9:00 am -Noon
Picnic Luncheon on the 28th!
Ages 4-13 are welcome to attend!
July 25-28, 9:00 am -Noon
Picnic Luncheon on the 28th!
Ages 4-13 are welcome to attend!
What's happening this month
July 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 8:45 Worship Team
9:30 Sunday School
10:30 Worship with Nursery and Children's Church available
Fellowship time follows service
July 17- 6:30 evening Bible Study resumes
July 24- Rosemary Cook CEF Director visits during Worship Service
July 6, 13 & 20 6:15 Worship Team
11:00 Prayer Hour
1:00 Women's Bible Study
July 2- 8:00 Men's Breakfast @ IHOP
July 23- 8:00 Men's Breakfast @ Chimacum Cafe
July 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 8:45 Worship Team
9:30 Sunday School
10:30 Worship with Nursery and Children's Church available
Fellowship time follows service
July 17- 6:30 evening Bible Study resumes
July 24- Rosemary Cook CEF Director visits during Worship Service
July 6, 13 & 20 6:15 Worship Team
11:00 Prayer Hour
1:00 Women's Bible Study
July 2- 8:00 Men's Breakfast @ IHOP
July 23- 8:00 Men's Breakfast @ Chimacum Cafe
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